Running MMseqs2 on CPUs with SSE4.1 or AVX2 instruction sets

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Hi! I'm Ryan Moore, NBA fan & PhD candidate in Eric Wommack's viral ecology lab @ UD. Follow me on Twitter!

MMseqs2 is a software suite for searching and clustering giant protein and nucleotide datasets. It is very fast while still being very sensitive, and if you are using BLAST for homology search, I definitely recommend giving MMseqs2 a try!

Single instruction, multiple data (SIMD)

MMseqs2 requires a 64-bit system with either SSE4.1 or AVX2 instruction sets to run. SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions) and AVX (Advanced Vector Extensions) are instruction sets that take advantage of a CPU’s ability to execute multiple instructions simultaneously (instruction level parallelism). CPUs with these instruction sets can use data level parallelism, which allows a program to execute several computations at the same time.

Picking the correct version of MMseqs2

Basically, SSE4.1 and AVX2 allow MMseqs2 to do multiple data operations simultaneously, speeding up the program. Not every CPU has SSE4.1 or AVX2, so to use MMseqs2, you will need to determine if your computer has one of these, and if so, which instruction set your computer has. Then you can download and use the correct pre-compiled release for whichever instruction set your computer supports. AVX is generally faster than SSE, so you will want to use the AVX2 version of MMseqs2 if you can.

If you are running MMseqs2 locally, this is no problem. You can check whether your computer supports AVX2 or SSE4.1 and then pick the correct MMseqs2 version. However, I generally run MMseqs2 on a computing cluster. The cluster that our lab uses has a lot of nodes with various architectures. Some nodes have SSE4.1, some have AVX2, and some have neither. Because of this, a different version of MMseqs2 is needed depending on where the job is run.

The cluster uses slurm for job scheduling, which means that I could figure out which nodes have AVX2 and which have SSE4.1 and then specify the allowed nodes in my slurm submission script (for example, using --nodelist=node_name) whenever I want to run MMseqs2. I got tired of doing this pretty quickly, so I thought it would be nice to write a little shell script to automatically pick the correct version of MMseqs2 depending on the instruction set of the CPU. It turns out that this is pretty easy to do. Let’s walk through it!

Note: Like my last two posts, I’m going to go into a fair bit of detail so that it is accessible to beginners. If you just want to see the final result, skip down to the bottom.

Checking for instruction sets

First, we need a way to figure out which instruction set the computer we will run MMseqs2 on has. It is a bit different depending on whether you are running on Linux or on a Mac. Here is how you would check for the instruction sets on Linux:

# Check for AVX2
$ grep avx2 /proc/cpuinfo

# Check for SSE4.1
$ grep sse4_1 /proc/cpuinfo

And on a Mac…

# Check for AVX2
$ sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.leaf7_features | grep AVX2

# Check for SSE4.1
$ sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.features | grep SSE4.1

(Here is some more info on interpreting the /proc/cpuinfo file.)

If your computer has either of the instruction sets, then the grep command will print a line to the terminal. If not, nothing will be shown. For example, on my Mac, when I check for SSE4.1 here is the result

sysctl -a | grep machdep.cpu.features | grep SSE4.1

Since grep returned a line with SSE4.1 in it, I know that my laptop supports SSE4.1. On the other hand, when I run command to check for AVX2, nothing is printed, so my laptop doesn’t support AVX2. Since my computer has SSE4.1, but not AVX2, I would go and grab a precompiled SSE4.1 binary for Mac from the MMseqs2 GitHub page and use that.

A wrapper script for MMseqs2

As I mentioned above, it’s simple to pick an MMseqs2 binary for my own computer, but our computing cluster has some nodes with AVX2 and some with SSE4.1. To deal with this, we will write a little shell script that determines which instruction set a computer has, and then runs the correct version of MMseqs2 for that instruction set.

First, download both the SSE4.1 and the AVX2 versions of MMseqs2 from the website. Then, put each of those in its own location. For example, I have the AVX2 binary here


and the SSE4.1 binary here


The first thing our script needs is the Shebang line, which specifies the interpreter for our script, and some variables to hold the locations of the different MMseqs2 binaries.


# Variables to hold the different mmseqs binaries

Checking for AVX2 instructions

Since we want to use the AVX2 version of MMseqs2 if possible, we will check for that instruction set first.

grep avx2 /proc/cpuinfo > /dev/null

That line is the same command to check for AVX2 on Linex shown above, but with the output redirected to /dev/null. /dev/null is the null device, a special file that discards anything written to it. If we didn’t redirect the grep program’s output to /dev/null, then every time we ran our script, it would spit out a long line of stuff to the terminal, which we don’t want. So redirecting the output in this way will keep our script’s output nice and clean.

Now we need to check whether the command was successful. For this, we can check the exit code of the grep command. If you check the man page for grep, the Exit Status section states that grep returns 0 if there were any selected lines, and something else otherwise. So, if we check for a zero exit code from the grep command, we will find out whether or not the computer has the AVX2 instructions. Here is an example. (The $ means whatever follows is a command entered into the terminal.)

# This computer does not have AVX2 instructions
$ grep avx2 /proc/cpuinfo > /dev/null
$ echo $?
1 # <= grep returned exit code 1, meaning failure

# This computer does have AVX2 instructions
$ grep avx2 /proc/cpuinfo > /dev/null
$ echo $?
0 # <= grep returned exit code 0, meaning success

$? returns the exit status of the last command that was run (in this case, that would be grep). In the first example, running $? returns 1 indicating failure (this computer doesn’t have the AVX2 instruction set), whereas in the second case, it returns 0, indicating success (this computer does have AVX2 instructions).

Alright, so let’s add a check like this into our bash script. For this, we can use an if statement. In bash, it will look something like this.

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    # do something if the check is true
    # do something else if the check is false

The [ $? -eq 0 ] (don’t forget the spaces around the brackets!) part checks whether the exit code of the last command was zero (i.e., was successful). If the first grep command is successful, then the computer has AVX2 instructions, so we want to run the AVX2 version of MMseqs2. Here is how that would look.

# Check the exit code of the last grep command.
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    # Run the AVX2 version of MMseqs2.
    "$mmseqs_avx2" "$@"
    # do something else

The $@ variable gives all command line parameters separated by spaces. That way, any arguments passed in to our wrapper script will get passed in to the actual mmseqs program. For example, if we name our wrapper script and call it like this

$ easy-search -h

then the "$mmseqs_avx2" "$@" line will basically be like writing this

$ /home/moorer/software/MMseqs2_binaries/mmseqs2_avx2/bin/mmseqs easy-search -h

Checking for SSE4.1 instructions

If the computer doesn’t have AVX2, we want to check to see if it has SSE4.1. We can use this command grep sse4_1 /proc/cpuinfo > /dev/null for that. We add it to the else branch like this:

# Check the exit code of the first grep command.
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    # Run the AVX2 version of MMseqs2.
    "$mmseqs_avx2" "$@"
else # This computer doesn't have AVX2!
    # Check for SSE4.1 instruction set instead.
    grep sse4_1 /proc/cpuinfo > /dev/null

Now we can check the exit code of that command, and if successful, run the SSE4.1 version of MMseqs2. To do that, we will add another if/else statement similar to the first one. (There may be a cleaner way to do this avoiding the nested if statements, but we can keep it like this for now.)

# Check the exit code of the first grep command.
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    # Run the AVX2 version of MMseqs2.
    "$mmseqs_avx2" "$@"
else # This computer doesn't have AVX2!
    # Check for SSE4.1 instruction set.
    grep sse4_1 /proc/cpuinfo > /dev/null

    # Check the exit code of the second grep command.
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        # Run the SSE4.1 version of MMseqs2.
        "$mmseqs_sse41" "$@"
    else # This computer doesn't have SSE4.1.
        # Do something.

Handling CPUs without AVX2 or SSE4.1

Finally, we need to do something in the last else branch. If the computer has neither AVX2 or SSE4.1, then MMseqs2 will not work. So let’s print a message to stderr and return a failing exit code. Since 0 is usually used to denote success, we will use 1 to indicate failure.

In bash, to print something to stderr, we can use the >&2 operator with the echo command like this: >&2 echo "hello". Check out this article for more info on redirection and the difference between stdin and stderr.

To exit our script with a failing error code, we can use the exit command with an argument. For example, exit 1 would terminate the script and return an exit code of 1.

Adding those two things to our if/else statement, we now have

# Check the exit code of the first grep command.
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    # Run the AVX2 version of MMseqs2.
    "$mmseqs_avx2" "$@"
else # This computer doesn't have AVX2!
    # Check for SSE4.1 instruction set.
    grep sse4_1 /proc/cpuinfo > /dev/null

    # Check the exit code of the second grep command.
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        # Run the SSE4.1 version of MMseqs2.
        "$mmseqs_sse41" "$@"
    else # This computer doesn't have SSE4.1.
        # Print an error message.
        >&2 echo "ERROR -- you don't have sse4.1 or avx2.  MMseqs2 will not work!"

        # Exit the script, returning exit code 1.
        exit 1

Wrapping up

Alright that’s everything! The final script looks like this:



grep avx2 /proc/cpuinfo > /dev/null

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    "$mmseqs_avx2" "$@"
    grep sse4_1 /proc/cpuinfo > /dev/null

    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        "$mmseqs_sse41" "$@"
        >&2 echo "ERROR -- you don't have sse4.1 or avx2.  MMseqs2 will not work!"
        exit 1

If you want to download and use the above code, here is a link to the code.

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